1 Each child in Foster/Kinship Care will be limited to $450 per calendar year with the option for a one-time $500 disbursement.
2 Any child turning 18 and enrolled in the Links program will be allowed a one-time $1000 “adulting” allowance to assist with expenses- must be approved by board. Expenses covered would be security deposits, small appliances etc. Note there must be a specific need we will not just hand out Checks as children turn 18.This is solely to assist with getting a safe space of their own or assisting with initial cost that is associated with moving.
3 Checks must be made payable to the service provider. In extenuating circumstances where a service provider cannot be identified in advance of the request, checks may be made payable to an individual with a receipt provided. Reimbursement will not be paid for camp or other extracurricular activities.
4. Any lessons/monthly payments will be paid monthly, to provider
5. CAF request forms must provide ALL required information including mailing information, reason for request and how it will benefit the child or request cannot be processed. Educational items should directly benefit the child and provide the child with the opportunity to learn and grow as an individual. All requests must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to event. This allows for bank transfers and treasurer to gain approval from the board.
The following are examples of educational expenses supported by the CAF:
- Specialized summer camps (not childcare) supported or recommended by the school system, teachers, or coaches. Example: Music camp, art camp, summer classes at community college or university, or cooking class
- School field trips
- Voice, music, or art expenses including lessons by qualified instructors.
- Prom expenses for juniors and seniors only
- Technology for school use such as iPad, laptops, or calculators
- Driver’s education
- Tutoring
- Other items needed to be successful educationally will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
6. Sports expenses should allow the individual to participate in an organized group or individual sport or sports camp and gain self-confidence while promoting physical fitness. Requests for sporting equipment that promote physical fitness will be considered. Examples of expenses supported by the CAF include the following:
- Registration fees
- Uniforms
- Footwear
- Equipment
- Lessons
- Specialized summer camps supported or recommended by the school system or coaches: Example sports camp at a college/university
7. Request will be submitted to the board by email and will be approved by a majority vote. Please allow 3-5 business days for a response to your request. Requests cannot be considered unless they are on the approved request form.
8. After the vote is complete, the request will be submitted to the treasurer for payment within 3 business days disbursement can be expected in 10-14 days.
9. The CAF chairperson is responsible for maintaining good records which include a copy of each request along with voting results attached. A spreadsheet is also maintained to provide a yearly running total of expenses and deposits to the fund.
CVGAL is a 501-c-3 nonprofit organization advocating for abused and neglected children in Burke, Caldwell & Catawba Counties since 2013